Prototyping and Plan as a Team

With Axure RP 10 Team, multiple people can create diagrams, build prototypes, and explore designs in a single Axure RP 10 file at the same time. Co-authoring in Axure RP 10 Team gives you a simple and safe way to explore ideas and contribute when ready for more intentional collaboration.

Team Project
Team Project

Freedom to Innovate

Check out pages and other assets to make changes to them in Axure RP 10 Team. Checking out a page lets your team know what you’re working on while giving you room to try new ideas privately.
Team Project

Share When
You’re Ready

Once you’re ready to share, check in your work and keep the collaboration flowing. Add check-in notes about what you changed & why you changed it.

Team Project

Managing the Collaboration

With Axure RP 10 Team and Axure Cloud, everyone can keep up-to-date with the project. Whether you’re working side by side or time zones apart, you can operate as a team.
Team Project

Gather feedback, build consensus

Share prototypes with anyone with live URL, or invite users to a private workspace to collaborate. Gather comments directly on screen with context. Integrate 3rd party testing services into your prototypes to get real-world feedback on proposed solutions.

“Axure allows us to test everything, even the most complex use cases. Our prototypes look and act like the real thing.”

Team Project JULIE Managing Director, User Experience Lab
Team Project

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