Easily Create Flowcharts with Latest Connector Updates

Diagraming a flowchart such as a user journey or mapping out new product updates is an important part of prototyping. In Axure RP, connectors are the glue that holds flowcharts and diagrams together. With our latest updates to Axure RP 10, using connectors is now easier than ever.

1. Quickly add new shapes and connector with a single click

The first update to connectors is the new ability to automatically add a new connector and matching shape widget with just a single click. To do this, make sure you’re in connector mode and already have a shape widget on the canvas. Then, simply click one of the connector points on the widget, and a new matching shape and connector line will be added to the canvas.



2. New keyboard shortcuts to build flows with speed

Using keyboard shortcuts is one of the best ways to speed up your prototyping. Now with connectors, once you have a shape widget on the canvas and selected, you can use the keyboard shortcut CMD+OPT+SHIFT (Mac)/CTRL+ALT+SHIFT (Windows) in conjunction with the arrow keys to automatically add more connector lines and shapes.


3. Draw connectors with even more ease

When building your flowcharts, you can draw connector lines by clicking and dragging from a connector point on one widget to a point on another widget. Now, in addition to drawing lines between existing connector points, you can automatically add new connector points along the edge of the starting or ending shape by simply clicking on and/or drawing to the part of the edge where you’d like a new connector point.


4. Easily add new connector shapes

When previously drawing connector lines, if you didn’t connect to an existing shape, then the connector would end wherever you stop drawing. With the latest update, once you stop drawing a connector line and haven’t attached it to an existing widget, the shape selector will open automatically when you stop drawing, allowing you to quickly select and add a new connecting widget to the canvas.


We hope these new updates make using connectors in Axure RP even faster and more convenient. As always, if you need any help or want to submit feedback, you can contact us at support@axure.com. Happy Prototyping!