Victor Hsu, Author at Axure
Your job is to come up with the perfect solution that users will love while taking into account the needs and constraints of sales, marketing, support, design, development, QA, IT, and every other part of the business that has a stake in the product. Oddly enough, getting to the right solution requires proving that you’re NOT a know-it-all.
One of the toughest conversations to have with a product manager or UX designer is pointing out that they’re losing the respect of the developers. It’s tough because frequently it comes as a surprise. With that said, there are actions you can take to foster a harmonious relationship with the developers on your team.
Have you ever worked on a project that seemed to shrink at every turn? There are any number of reasons stakeholders and managers cut the scope of projects. Sometimes these things are out of our hands, but other times, connecting the dots between the proposed solution and the business objectives can save the project… and your sanity.
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Agile with High Fidelity Prototyping
Agile's weak points largely stem from its iterative approach to doing product design in code, which can leave teams without a clear goal when making decisions, planning resources, and driving consensus and understanding. Prototyping at the beginning of a project can help mitigate some of these Agile drawbacks. Read on to learn how.
The Pitfalls of Agile and How We Got Here
Agile has been big for a while, but it has a number of blind spots baked in to its core practices. Let's take a look at how Agile came to be what it is today so we can better understand the roots of its flaws and find a way forward from here.