How to Choose the Correct Level of Fidelity for Your Prototype
Users love simple and intuitive products, but the design process required to get there takes considerable thought and judgement. When you’re starting work on a new software product or a new feature, the prototyping stage is a critical step, as it enables you to test product concepts before investing the effort to build them out.
Finding the Balance When Prototyping Data-Intensive Features
Prototyping data-intensive experiences can be fun as well as challenging. These tips have helped an Axure user create effective, high fidelity prototypes that provide a rich understanding of how users interact with the Cost of Care Calculator.
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Agile with High Fidelity Prototyping
Agile's weak points largely stem from its iterative approach to doing product design in code, which can leave teams without a clear goal when making decisions, planning resources, and driving consensus and understanding. Prototyping at the beginning of a project can help mitigate some of these Agile drawbacks. Read on to learn how.
The Pitfalls of Agile and How We Got Here
Agile has been big for a while, but it has a number of blind spots baked in to its core practices. Let's take a look at how Agile came to be what it is today so we can better understand the roots of its flaws and find a way forward from here.