Import CSVs for Data Driven Prototypes

In Axure RP, repeaters have long been a unique and powerful feature. Repeaters allow you to display repeating collections of text, images, and other elements, such as data driven tables or product listing layouts. In Axure RP 10, you can do even more with repeaters by importing real data from CSV files with the click of a button. 


Why use real data in your prototypes?

When prototyping or designing, a common problem is the lack of using real data. While using dummy data, stock images, or lorem ipsum give a general idea of the design you’re prototyping, sometimes displaying the real content a user will be seeing can help you identify problems sooner, and allow you to gather better feedback and user testing results.


How to use real data in your prototypes?

In addition to producing better results, using real data in your prototypes will save you time and effort that you would have otherwise spent on creating placeholder data. With repeaters in Axure RP 10, this is made easy by the ability to import data directly from CSV files. To do so, simply select the Import CSV button on the top of the dataset table. When importing a CSV file, columns and rows will automatically be added to the dataset as needed.


Key takeaways 

Overall, using real data in UX prototypes can be a valuable way to ensure that designs are effective, usable, and aligned with user needs. By easily incorporating user data into your repeater datasets, you can create prototypes that are more effective, efficient, and provide you with better results.

As always, if you need any help or want to submit feedback, you can contact us at Happy Prototyping!